Thursday, December 10, 2009

Its a small world, afterall

Ok, so I was just on non-xev account, and a guy I met in new york messages me.

backstory: last year in new york i met a ton of students from around the world. One guy I met was from germany.

we exchanged facebooks and have sortof stayed in touch

Today he messages me saying that his friend showed him a video of a girl on a balloon and a vibrator.

turn was me. and his friend said something along the lines of "that girl really knows how to tease and get herself off, lol.

anyways, small world

Monday, December 7, 2009


Ok so I totally just found the most amazing program!!!!!!!
Its called Poladroid, and what it does it it takes your regular digital files and makes them look like polaroids.

What I like about it is the fact that you can shake your photo and stop it from finishing, if you are happy with how it looks mid-developement.

The program comes with a cute desktop polaroid camera which you drag and grop your photos into and then PSSSHT and here comes your photo...either wait for it to develope...or shake to make it quicker. HAHA

so here are a few of mine